Usable and Non-usable Electrical Energy

Alternating current (AC) type of electrical energy comprises of usable energy and non-usable energy. Energy conversion unit utilizes the usable energy thru its resistor component and converted it to another form of energy (light, heat, mechanical energy) while the non-usable energy are stored in its inductor component and dissipated as heat. Both usable and non-usable energy are billed by utility company to consumers.

Alternating Current

Electricity supplied by utility company to residential and industrial/commercial consumers uses alternating current (AC) type for reasons that it can be easily changed from lower to higher voltage and vice versa with the use of power transformer and economically transmitted to longer distance at higher voltage.

Basic Electrical Component

Basic electrical component that an Energy conversion unit may contain:
• Resistor - ( filament of electric bulb, coil of electric stove )
• Inductor - ( coil of transformer/electric motor, ballast of fluorescent )
• capacitor - it opposes the effect of inductor in an energy conversion unit and it lessens the non-usable energy in the system.

Energy Conversion Units

Energy conversion unit converts electrical energy to usable form of energy, example Light bulb (coverts electrical energy to light), Audio Amplifier (converts electrical energy to sound), Heater (converts electrical energy to heat), Electric motor (converts electrical energy to mechanical energy), etc.